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Orchy river

I love Scotland. You know that. I fell in love long time ago by viewing Ian Cameron's images. And I confirmed this love this year definitively during my trip to…


Denver lake – from Instagram

Check out this image Denver lake from my Instagram - @lubosbruha. (c) Copyright Lubos Bruha 2013, All rights reserved. Images from Instagram captured by phone camera apps ProCapture or Vignette…


Drowned little pine

This little pine surrounded by water of Loch Maree under impressive Slioch mountain evokes special memories for me. There was necessary to have special motivation to do photography because weather…


Reflection – from Instagram

Check out this image Reflection from my Instagram - @lubosbruha. (c) Copyright Lubos Bruha 2013, All rights reserved. Images from Instagram captured by phone camera apps ProCapture or Vignette and…

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Back from the western cost of the U.S.

Back from the western cost of the U.S. 1As you probable now, I signed-up last year to the very special event this year – photo workshop in the USA. Now I’m back in the Czech republic, sit down before my laptop and I am still full of emotions and experiences from this unusual trip. Originally, we’ve plan to see canyons and deserts, which is not something possible to see in my country nor in the whole Europe, but… We abandon this plan at the moment when Jiri Stransky said magical name of Oregon!

Maybe you know, maybe not, famous photos from Marc Adamus. If not, checked his gallery later on. Sure, pure technically his images are composites from several exposures, some better, some worse, but who take care at the first moment? They are simple unforgettable. So we wanted to see places as Oneonta gorge, Ruby beach, Thor well etc. see for ourselves. (more…)