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Golden Marina

Every evening during summer holiday, my wife and me spent dinner time on the main street of Ponta Delgada, the street very close to sea and marina full of small…

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Orchy river

I love Scotland. You know that. I fell in love long time ago by viewing Ian Cameron's images. And I confirmed this love this year definitively during my trip to…


Twigs – from Instagram

Check out this image Twigs from my Instagram - @lubosbruha. (c) Copyright Lubos Bruha 2013, All rights reserved. Images from Instagram captured by phone camera apps ProCapture or Vignette and…


City clouds – from Instagram

Check out this image City clouds from my Instagram - @lubosbruha. (c) Copyright Lubos Bruha 2013, All rights reserved. Images from Instagram captured by phone camera apps ProCapture or Vignette…


Stormy sunset – from Instagram

Check out this image Stormy sunset from my Instagram - @lubosbruha. (c) Copyright Lubos Bruha 2013, All rights reserved. Images from Instagram captured by phone camera apps ProCapture or Vignette…

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