Spring blossom – from Instagram

Spring blossom – from Instagram

The image below is dedicated to my dear wife Gabi to our anniversary. This is the first bloom which appears on our garden after long this year winter. Originally I’ve expected snowdrops and snowflakes which I planted in the fall. But for some reason it did not happen but this flower fix it. I was overjoyed when it appeared as the first harbinger of spring.

Check out this image Spring blossom from my Instagram – @lubosbruha.

Spring blossom - from Instagram

(c) Copyright Lubos Bruha 2013, All rights reserved.

Images from Instagram captured by phone camera apps ProCapture or Vignette and post-processing made by Snapseed and/or Instagram picture editors.

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Lubos Bruha

Self-taught landscape photographer living in Prague, Czech Republic. He loves nature, especially he falls in love with the mountains. He travels in the spare time to beautiful locations around Europe and North America to catch up with wonderful light and moments in his photographs. He shared here, apart from photographs, post-processing tutorials, and tips. In addition to this blog he also runs another site focused primary on the technology http://lubos.bruha.net.

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