Great HDR photo using additional presets for Photomatix
My garden fully covered by snow during winter

Great HDR photo using additional presets for Photomatix

Now it is time for post-processing of shots I’ve made during this lasting winter season. Some of them were designed for HDR workflow. I’ve start playing with them, but after loading shot to Photomatix (as it is my preferred tool for postprocessing of HDR shots) I got idea looking for additional presets to fill my empty My Presets toolbar.

I found Stuart’s Photomatix Presets from Deviant Art as the most valuable source of presets. It promised 80 different presets! So I’ve download it and put it them to <SYSTEM>:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\HDRsoft\PhotomatixPro\Presets folder on my Win7  system disk (folder could differ based on your system – Windows version – and version of Photomatix; I used Win7 and x64 version of Photomatix, so please search on the Internet if your system has different configuration to get appropriate settings). There was hint given on Flickr site to restart Photomatix after that, however in my case was sufficient to show My Presets toolbar again and presets have loaded immediately.

Great HDR photo using additional presets for Photomatix 3

Must say, most of presents looks pretty well, they don’t result in such colouring book (which I hated), but they have decent final look, so shoots still looks as photographs. My favourite one for bw11 preset, it has pretty good looks for scenes with little bit of snow as the following one if you like B&W photos.

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So, try it. It is a free (with exception of Photomatix, of course :-)) and you will have fun.

Lubos Bruha

Self-taught landscape photographer living in Prague, Czech Republic. He loves nature, especially he falls in love with the mountains. He travels in the spare time to beautiful locations around Europe and North America to catch up with wonderful light and moments in his photographs. He shared here, apart from photographs, post-processing tutorials, and tips. In addition to this blog he also runs another site focused primary on the technology

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