Meander sunset

Meander sunset

All things come to him who waits. I had visited this beautiful location near Teletin (roughly 30km south from Prague) in 18 months 7 times to capture this beautiful scenery. All things – light, clouds, sky and trees – come together during last Christmas time. I like reflection of moving clouds in the river. Hope snow will be present on the next visit.

Meander sunset(c) Copyright Lubos Bruha 2012, All rights reserved. Buy photo.

The image is pure HDR, it is composed from 3 different exposures, processed in Photomatix and final punch made in Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop.

Lubos Bruha

Self-taught landscape photographer living in Prague, Czech Republic. He loves nature, especially he falls in love with the mountains. He travels in the spare time to beautiful locations around Europe and North America to catch up with wonderful light and moments in his photographs. He shared here, apart from photographs, post-processing tutorials, and tips. In addition to this blog he also runs another site focused primary on the technology

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