Photocrati Featured Member

I am proud to be selected as Photocrati feature member profile. Their program is a great opportunity sharing your work (like for me) with much wider audience.
They have only two conditions:

  • having own photo blog created in their famous wordpress template
  • providing 3 images illustrated your work (probable the best of) with some other information

Of course, there is no guarantee you will be selected for program,
but if you are proud of your work, you can try it. It is free and it would take only 15 minutes to fill out their questionnaire.

If you have no idea how to start or which images woul be best, be inspired by me.  I’ve used images from my Dolomites gallery and my memories from autumn workshop.

Lubos Bruha

Self-taught landscape photographer living in Prague, Czech Republic. He loves nature, especially he falls in love with the mountains. He travels in the spare time to beautiful locations around Europe and North America to catch up with wonderful light and moments in his photographs. He shared here, apart from photographs, post-processing tutorials, and tips. In addition to this blog he also runs another site focused primary on the technology

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